Maria Roberts
The mainstream media is no longer fit for purpose, my aim is for The Prole Star to be a vehicle for challenging the toxic and agenda-led narrative to promote positive discussion and help enable real political change.
Newspaper reporter/editor

Guy Westcott
Guy Westcott is a sarcastic bitch. He apologises for the unavoidable delay in filling out this bio. This is because he is currently busy training eastern European immigrants to steal your jobs and scrounge off your benefits.
Associate Lecturer in Psychology - Cert TESOL, MA (Hons.), MSc.

Billy J Wells
Ex military and son of a soldier my grounding should be of Conservatism but I care deeply about the inequality in the UK. My politics is Democratic Socialism and my fight is for an end to poverty in this the sixth richest country in the world. My fight is a war on the bias of the mainstream media and against the austerity of the Conservative Party that serves to make the wealthiest wealthier and the poorest poorer..
Self-Employed Musician
Head of PR

Lived as an immigrant in someone else's country on contracts so flimsy they make zero-hours look stable, with egotistic bosses under 40 degree heat. Always politically active and been a democratic socialist ever since a very young age and now I know why I am. Equality must be restored, with disenfranchised people re-integrating them with the reality of politics and that is how I plan to write for you with every story I am apart of.
Facebook Page Administrator

Charles James
Joined the Labour Party in 1972 and has held most CLP and branch positions. In 1986 Charles increased the Labour vote by 80% to take a safe Tory ward for Labour. In 1990 Charles increased the 1986 vote 47% to hold the seat comfortably.
Retired Immigration and asylum solicitor.

Calum Burgess
A progressive in every conceivable way: a lifelong believer in social and economic equality; an ardent follower of science and technology; a forward-thinking composer and musician. Aspires to be the living definition of post-postmodernism.
Freelance Composer & Occasional Academic - BA (Hons.), MMus.

Charlotte Peters Rock
I believe that, with our Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn, we currently have the best chance in my lifetime to return to decency, common sense and the genuine aims of socialist democracy. We must not let this grand opportunity slip away. We need it to protect our vulnerable members of society.. and the rest of us.
Poet, Performer, Protester, and Vice Chair of Tatton Labour Party.

Gemma Aitchison
Youth, community and social justice activist. Founder of YES Matters UK.
Carer and feminist.

David Hitchen
I'm too busy working to write anything here at the moment..
Humanities Student, Warehouse/Factory Worker

Joe Solo
Joe Solo is an award-winning musician, writer, poet, activist, broadcaster and washing machine engineer from Scarborough.....or he's an irrepressible big mouth, depending on who you read.