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Million Mask March London - 5th November

This November 5th, the Anonymous UK collective will again descend on central London. We have seen the abuses and malpractice of this government, and governments before it, we have seen the encroaching destruction of many civil liberties we hold dear, we have seen the pushes to make the internet yet another part of the surveillance state, we have seen the government's disregard for migrants, for the poor, the elderly and the Disabled, we have seen the capital, profit and greed of the few put before the well-being of the many and we say enough is enough. We invite all the activists, the workers, the students, all doctors, nurses and all those that want to see a positive change in the world, to join us, in Trafalgar Square from 6pm, November 5th. The government and the 1% have played their hand, now it is time to play ours. Expect Us. Million Mask March London November 5th Resistance Campaign Anonymous UK **Information for the night** - We openly invite everyone, please respect diversity of tactics - The police are not your friends, this goes for police liaison officers too, they're simply a 'friendly face' who collect intelligence. - Keep an eye out for your comrades and police tactics that will limit movement, the hive mind should stay vigilant. - dress comfortably and wrap up warm - face coverings are always optional - bring banners flags and placards - bring your voice and let it be heard!

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