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R.E.S.P.E.C.T. - Find Out What It Means To-ry

So Brandon Lewis launched The Tories' 'Respect' pledge this week. It's not going well. Trouble is, his colleagues haven't quite grasped the concept...

Writ large upon his slightly dated looking graphic were exhortations to treat people with courtesy, refrain from attacking or abusing them on social media, and condemn those who do.

And bless him, he must have felt sure these behaviours would be enthusiastically be enacted across the party - instead, it seems to have initiated a collective outbreak of what might best be described as Tory Tourettes.

Scarcely were the words out of his mouth than Tory MP Philip Davies hit the headlines after his astonishing attack on comedian Luisa Omielan during an interview. His verbal and physical intimidation, captured on film, left her shaken and upset.

Of course, Phil's got form in the offensive remarks field, for example his comments:

Hot on his heels came the less than delightful Andrew Percy, 'welcoming' one of the parliamentary lobby's newest journalists, from Evolve Politics, with what clearly passes for courtesy in the Percy household - rudeness and abuse, in response to a polite request for comment.

Evolve submitted a complaint following his first email (below, top) and showed him the courtesy of informing him, eliciting the second response (below, bottom).

Then another frontrunner in the rudeness stakes, the less than erudite James Cleverly, chimed in with an infantile tweet seeming to accuse Jeremy Corbyn of collusion in electoral fraud. Which, coming from a Tory, is frankly a bit rich....

Surprisingly, this abusive attack was not met with the condemnation of his parliamentary colleagues, who rather chose to add their voices to his by gleefully sharing it.

And further down the party ranks, we have the former Conservative candidate for Westborough, Daryl Peagram. Styling himself Blue Panther, he took a novel approach to reach voters in the area by describing them as 'scumbags'

We commend it to them, and respectfully suggest it would be a good thing for all their MPs and staff to read and digest, so that they can properly understand what they actually signed up to do - and behave accordingly.

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