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Labour's Volunteer Army Will Grow In A Snap General Election, Poll Finds

A poll of more than 1500 Labour members suggests that Labour's volunteer army is set to grow if a snap general election is called.

The poll, carried out by Momentum, asked members if they canvassed for Labour in the 2017 election, how many times they had canvassed and if they would canvass in the event of a snap election.

The results show that 64% of respondents went canvassing during the general election, 34% did not and 2% declined to answer.

When asked if they would canvass in a snap election, 71% said they would and 17% said they might, indicating a potential 38% increase on the number of canvassers who knocked on doors for Labour in 2017.

The poll shows enthusiasm from previous canvassers remains high, with 88% saying they would definitely knock on doors and 9% saying they might. Only 1% of those who knocked on doors in the 2017 general election said they would not do so if a snap election were called.

A snap election could also see an influx of new Labour canvassers, with a large majority of respondents who didn't canvass in the last election saying they were likely to canvass for Labour if a snap election were called. 40% of those who didn't canvass in the last election said they would definitely canvass for Labour, while 32% said they might.

During the last election Momentum mobilised tens of thousands of activists to knock on doors while one third of UK Facebook users viewed one of Momentum's viral videos and 100,000 Labour activists used Momentum's My Nearest Marginal. Of the 30 seats targeted by Momentum in the last election, Labour won 25.

John Taylor, Momentum NCG member, said:

"These results show Labour members are ready to kick into action during a general election and that many new members who haven't canvassed before want to come out and knock on doors for Labour.

Contrast Labour's army of volunteers with the Tory party who have moribund local associations, less than a quarter of Labour's membership and receive more money from dead members than they do from the living, and you see one party in rude health and another in terminal decline.

At the last election tens of thousands of Labour members knocking on doors in marginal constituencies swung key seats for Labour. These results suggest that volunteer army will be even larger next time around."

Poll results

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