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Writer's pictureMaria Roberts

Prole Star Staff Threatened By Tommy Robinson Thugs After Viral Milkshake Video

A Prole Star writer and his family have been threatened by far right thugs after his video of Tommy Robinson being showered in milkshake went viral last week.

Our writer David captured the moment when antifascist protester Danyaal Mahmud threw the drink over Robinson, when the hate preacher visited Warrington to publicise his bid for election as a UKIP MEP.

But after the video was shared by tens of thousands both in the UK and internationally, David was left fearing for his safety when Robinson's extremist supporters targeted him and his family with threats of reprisals.

The threat was initiated by James Fitton, a former BNP candidate, who posted on Facebook within hours of the video going public, asking for help to find personal information about David.

He later posted that he had an address for both David and his parents and details and, chillingly, threatened to release the information to 'the most right wing groups on line'.

David was concerned for the safety of his family because Fitton is known to have connections to the area where they live, and contacted police fearing that he or his fellow thugs might be watching his parents' home.

"The far right have got my dad's address up in Cumbria, probably off the electoral register" he said,

"Tommy and his supporters don't believe in free speech when it comes to calling Tommy a fascist. They are clearly angry about my video"

"I've phoned the police because there is a 8-year-old child in the house. They were watching the area last night!"

A fellow anti-racism campaigner described Fitton as "A very nasty piece of work, he was suspended from BNP in the war with Griffin. He's also an associate of Paul Dodd, former Leader of Carlisle United 'Border Crew' hooligan firm and a Robinson/DFLA supporter etc....Very nasty guy, he and his nasties are well known for going round to people's houses, not trying to scare you, just keeping you absolutely updated and informed of the people we are dealing with here".

For anyone who hasn't seen the video, here it is - clearly showing Robinson's violent reaction to his unexpected bathing. David can be heard at the end calling Robinson a fascist.

Fitton stood as the BNP candidate for St Austell and Newquay in the 2010 General Election, where he received the lowest number of votes of all candidates, and lost his deposit. He was subsequently suspended from the party after supporting a leadership bid by Eddy Butler, known for spearheading the 'Rights for Whites' campaign in Tower Hamlets. He has since been involved with several other far right political organisations.

He has two Facebook profiles, one of which he used to threaten David and his family. His social media timelines are a badly spelled, ungrammatical, illiterate toxic mix of racism, sexism and Islamophobia. In one post during the last week, he published a photograph he had taken (presumably without permission) of two people collecting a prescription from a pharmacy he was in, saying drug users should be gassed and put down, and claiming to have attacked one of the couple outside the shop. We have pixelated the image to protect their privacy - he did not.

His Twitter profile @lordfitton is no better, featuring vile anti-Muslim 'jokes' and attacks on prominent Muslims including Sadiq Khan and journalist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, who he said 'should be stoned to death'

He also described residents protesting about their treatment following the Grenfell Tower tragedy as 'third world savages' just two days after the horrific fire.

And he thinks this is funny...

The Prole Star has reported Fitton's online activity for hate speech and targeted harassment, and we are considering taking legal action against him.

The rising tolerance for and apparent normalisation of extreme views like those of Fitton and his hero Tommy Robinson have allowed a platform for these kinds of hate. Once they were a lunatic fringe that right-thinking people went on protest marches against - today they are legitimised by the mainstream media and actually put forward as credible candidates for public office!

It is more important than ever that they be called out and held to account for what they are - racist filth.

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