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Digital Socialism – Labour Supporting Techies To Launch FREE Foodbank App

Writer's picture: Maria RobertsMaria Roberts

A Liverpool Labour activist and friends are creating an app and website to support foodbanks and foodbank users - and unlike new Tory MP Miriam Cates, they won’t be charging anyone to use it.

MyFoodbankFinder was the brainchild of Dominic Lipscombe, and came about after his disgust at learning that Ms Cates was charging charities to use her app - now apparently discontinued after negative media coverage.

Dominic is looking for help from designers, developers and others who can contribute to the project, which will be completely open-source. To register an interest in taking part, fill in the online form with details of your skillset and how you could contribute.

The team also want to hear from foodbanks and foodbank users to help ensure the project is addressing all the issues involved. Their online survey, which can be completely anonymous, will help inform the development of the app and website.

“I believe in socialism and that we should help each other. We're truly in this together – if we can't help each other we have no hope” said Dominic,

“I am not naïve in believing that MyFBF will get released then suddenly Food Poverty will cease to exist. The aim is to make the process easier for Food Banks and their users. We want to FB's to be able to make better decisions based on their current stock levels, and we want food bank users to be able to access the FB's easier, find out what a FB truly needs stock wise and to reduce waste”

“MyFBF came about after seeing in the news the paid-for app from Miriam Cates and her husband. The app has now been removed from the app store, after she became an MP so make of that what you will...”

“Our app will always be £100% free. We would never charge - we’re not Tories!”

“It means a lot to see how much people are coming together to help make this problem easier. Make no mistake – this app will not make Food Banks disappear, but will hopefully make it easier while they're required”

“I've been to see so many foodbanks and their users, spoken with them on the phone and over social media. So many people are relying on this app and want to see it be a success and I can't wait to show everyone”

"I don't live in a bubble where charities get everything for free, but I am well aware that this type of software can be free, so it should. Once you've got a mortgage on the back of food poverty, it's in your best interests to keep it going... And that is disgusting"

Follow @MyFBFapp on Twitter

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